So the kitchen isn't done yet, so that is for another blog...
Moving on.
Nathan is huge! He is 19 months and growing like a weed! My mom just came to visit and she bought some clothes that she thought would fit in a couple of months but he had to wear them now! He is in the 75% for weight and the 90% for height. He is learning new words every week. Right now his favorite words are outside, bus, truck, and banana. He can't say hi or bye bye but we get these words daily. Such a boy!
I am good. I have been watching another little boy for the past few months two days a week and now that has finished up for the year too. Nathan and the other boy had so much fun together. They are only 3 months a part and really brought out the best in each other! I loved it. I was also subbing about once a week but now the school year is wrapping up and with that so is subbing.
Joel is finishing up his school year, tutoring on the side and still working at Target. This is actually the news that I have been waiting to tell you. There is no shock that all the school districts in the US are experiencing financial hardships. We are among those here in AZ. Because of this, Joel has yet to experience a year without a pay cut and also has yet to experience a pay raise! So after A LOT of prayer and guidance and seeing that our budget just can't be cut any more and working full time myself with Nathan in full time day care was just not an option for us, Joel decided to pursue management at Target.
This started back in March. Joel talked with his store manager to see if he was a possible candidate, and he jumped on it and recruited Joel right away. The timing seemed to be all God. His store manager told Joel that he was perfect for the job and with his experience he would probably get paid way more than starting salary. So we started the process. Joel shadowed another manager for the day, then submitted an application, and got a call for an interview within a couple of days. His store manager also put in a good word for Joel too. Joel went through a series of four interviews. All of them went really fast and we were sort of spoiled by the quick turn around.
However, the waiting began after that. Whether or not they would offer Joel the job. Finally a couple of weeks ago, Joel got a call from his store manager with an offer. It was the exact amount we needed to hear! And the added blessing, a possible pay increase in 6-9 months with an annual bonus in April of next year! Wow! Going from 4 years without a pay increase because of budgets to all of sudden 2 pay increases in one year of working! What a blessing. Oh and the most important blessing of all, Joel will have 2 days off a week! He hasn't had that consistently since we moved to Tucson! I get to stay home full time with Nathan (however, I will sub when Joel is home so we don't need to pay for childcare).
So that is our news for now. June 7th is Joel's first day as an Executive Team Leader at Target. However, we are still waiting to hear where he will be located. Hopefully close!
Thank you for those who knew and prayed for us during this time! Its been one of trusting God in how he will provide. Our motto through it all and continues to be it is, " we know God will provide, its all a matter of how."
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