Monday, October 11, 2010

Nathan has turned 2

So the weekend came and the weekend went. It was Nathan's birthday. My boy is 2. My mom came into town and we went to Apple Annie's Orchard in Wilcox, which was a blast for Nathan. He loves being outside and he loves running. The two things he did the whole time we were there. My mom came out for the weekend and she came with us. It was perfect weather and we got a few apples and pears and had some lunch there. The best part is that its far enough away from our house that on the way home Nathan, Joel and my Mom slept the whole way home! Great nap time!

Then on Sunday we did a two in one party for Nathan. We invited some of Nathan's play friends to the park for a little birthday party. I loved seeing the kids actually play together. Even Nathan played with them (part of the time) my kid loves to explore and the play ground only lets him do some much of that, at one point I was looking for him and I see him across the park pushing his new toy truck on the side walk while Joel follows him! But for the most part all the kids were together. My favorite time was watching the kids actually sit at the table together and eat! It showed me that Nathan is hitting that new stage of wanting to be around other kids more! It warmed my heart.

Then after that, our family met back at our house and we had a dinner and ice cream and present opening. I would of had more pictures of that but my mother in law's camera battery died and my flash broke on my camera (later that night it started working again) Lame. The best part of that time was the present opening! Nathan's reaction to anything with wheels was "Woooooowwwww!" and then signing please for us to open it up so he could play with it. Then signing "Thank You" thinking this would prompt the opening of the toy, so we would quickly bring out the next gift to open and the same thing would happen all over again. Nathan ended up with about 20 new cars and trucks of all sizes! His 2nd birthday was so fun to be a part of and watch! We don't do parties often but I am so glad that we did it this year!

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