Tuesday, April 19, 2011

One of my main reasons for wanting to be a Stay At Home Mom full time!

I love subbing. I also love doing childcare. I love that at this moment both are part time. I also love that at some point both of these things will be out of desire and not necessity. Joel and I are working towards that goal to be reality. And we are hoping for it to happen in the next 12 months.

But something hit me today that made me want it all the more sooner. I was sitting on the couch researching out our (hopefully) annual vacation. When Nathan woke up from his nap. Nathan wakes up differently each day from his nap. But one thing is always the same. He needs a good 30 minutes to be fully awake from his nap. During that time, I usually put in a little video and give him some strawberry milk and we sit and cuddle and talk on the couch. Today was a little different. I went into Nathan's room and found him sitting on his floor in the dark hugging his stuffed animals just waiting for me. He had no desire to leave his room so I just sat in the rocker and put him in my lap.

We were rocking for a good 10 minutes when I asked him if he was ready to go have some milk. All he did was turn around give me a hug and laid down against me. Not in any hurry to go to the living room. So we rocked for a good 30 minutes and just cuddled. This is the reason I love staying at home.

We had no where to go. Nothing to do. There was no rush. We were able to just sit and cuddle for as long as he wanted. I love that about our life. We are never in any rush. We play cars, trains, read books, race, build sand castles, color, play with playdough, take a bath, etc. all with no rush.

I know that when school starts and I need to get lunches ready, backpacks organized, and kids taken to school things will get crazy, but for right now I am enjoying the life of going with the flow.

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