Saturday, November 12, 2011

Weekly Update on Christmas savings...

One of the ways that I like to save for anything is putting aside any extra money that comes our way that is not in our normal budget. This week we sold our old stroller on craiglist. A single stroller just doesn't work for us anymore. We now have a sit and stand stroller so I put our old stroller up on craiglist and sold it this week. I put that money into our Christmas fund for the year.

Some of you might be wondering why I am doing this for the first time and not before. Let me explain. When Joel was a teacher he would get a bonus in December every year. This bonus was enough to pay for all our Christmas shopping. Then last year, I was subbing and doing childcare at the same time. That was like an extra amount of income that allowed me to cover for Christmas. Well, this year the boy I use to watch started preschool. I am still subbing and working hard to sub as much as I can but I also have some things in December and January that I am planning for as well. Like my finger print clearance card is due and there will be two weeks in January, because of winter break, where I will not be getting a paycheck. I am trying to get that money set aside now. Plus, I like this challenge and its like a game to me. And I want to win!

Ok, so this week I sold our stroller and all the extra change I have from grocery shopping to add into our fund.


$30 for the stroller
$4.27 in spare change to add to the fund

Total = $34. 27

Old total = 138.31

New total = 172.58

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