Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Life Update...

It has been a month since Nathan has started preschool. And he LOVES it. Every time we pick him up he tells us everything they did. We are now starting to see improvement too. We couldn't get Nathan to use scissors for the life of us. His first booklet with scissors from school had every page taped back together because he couldn't figure out how to cut around the outside of the page. This last week, no taped pages! And Ms. Anne usually has something to tell us about Nathan's day. Whether she is blown away that he knows the name of every shape plus how many angles each shape has, or its that he staged a sit in with a pouty face and arms crossed because he wanted to play with toys instead of doing group time.

Nathan is still in swim classes and loving it. He can swim underwater to the edge if we give him a push. He is getting better about floating on his back. This is the biggest challenge because he doesn't like getting water in his ears.

Zachary is a walking machine now. Every Tuesday and Thursday if I am working Joel drops Nathan off at school and head to the park with Zachary. The sheer delight in Z's voice shows every time. He can climb stairs and loves the slide. Joel is constantly keeping the boys entertained and wearing them out at the same time!

Zachary is starting to say some words too. We have heard cracker, car, and more. Fun Fun Fun!!!!

Joel is training for two more weeks then its off to the new store. Can't wait until his first paycheck with the new raise in it! I want to stop subbing but this year its crucial. We are hoping this is my last year!!!!

There is our update.

1 comment:

  1. I'm loving the second picture you posted with Nathan standing at the front door, all dressed up for school, holding his little lunch bag... I just want to squeeze him! Such a cutie pie! I'm glad to hear the rest of the update, sounds like everything is going great for your family! Lots of blessings, big and small!
